Here are my workouts following the 12 week Intermediate program found in Heart Monitor Training for the Compleat Idiot, by John L. Parker, Jr. In the photo set below, you can find the week’s workout as graphed by the Polar ProTrainer software.

Week ending 2/27/05

I managed to get my weight back down a little and run 37+ miles this week.  After an early flight Monday, I ran T, W & R mornings without incident, 6+ miles each day.  Thursday (R) night I ended up driving home due to weather canceling all flights.  Friday and the weekend I got my 6+ miles each day from home.  The new shoes and the stretching continue to improve the knee, although by the time I get to 6 miles, it is feeling very stiff.  I question whether I can run farther and will have to try to do so very soon. 

Week ending 2/20/05

A (first) week of hotel living and food shows up in the weight increase this week.  I was able to get out every morning in Moorestown and ran with Bob at Highland Forest on Sunday.  I stretched consistently and the knee seems to be responding to that.  Or it could be the new shoes are really helping.  Mizuno Wave Rider VII and 8.

Week ending 2/13/05

As the chart above indicates, I've had trouble maintaining 40 mile weeks.  Between worn out shoes (I hope) and work-related travel, I've come up with sufficient excuses.  First 233k in February was spent working long days in Moorestown, NJ and no running until the weekend.  New shoes on 2/13 should allow some improvement, and the addition of daily stretching and strengthening should support this also.

Week 14, or Week 3 of Plan B, ending 1/23/05

Well with 2 days off, 1 short day inside on the treadmill due to extreme cold, I didn't make 40 miles.  Between shoveling, sore backs and sore knees, I could only muster 30, and that required 12 on Sunday.  Icing the knee definitely helps it the next day.


Week 13, or Week 2 of Plan B, ending 1/16/05

I (barely) got 41.2 miles this week after a shaky start.  I didn't get out on Monday.  My knee was bothering my so Thursday, so Friday I backed off to 5 miles.  It didn't feel better on Saturday, so I changed shoes and backed off to less than 5 miles.  I iced my knee after running, and Sunday it felt better.  I ran 10.2 Sunday on the canal and flat.  Sunday afternoon I iced the knee off and on.  I think the Mizuno Creation shoes may be the culprit.


Week 12, ending 1/9/05

I decided to skip week 12 in the plan and start a recovery plateau.  So, instead of preparing for a race, I am planning to run 40 miles a week for 4 weeks with no increase in mileage or intensity.  So maybe a decrease in intensity, but keeping mileage about the same.

41.1 miles this week.  My legs feel a little dead and my knees are sore part of the time.  Running downhill hurts my knees, but running uphill does not.  Lost 2 pounds this week trying to stay closer to South Beach Phase 1.

Week 11

On my track run, Friday, it was 53 and windy.  Manley was open, but the bleachers were out.  So I did the workout on the track at SU.  Because I'm not interested in running a race next week, I'm not motivated to kill myself.  My knees were sore until I got very warm.


December 24 2004 

Thursday workout at JD track - could not get into Manley on Christmas Eve.  25 degrees, wind chill 11, windy on final turn and home stretch.  Did the workout but never got near the target heart rate.


December 17 2004

Saturday I ran at Highland Forest.  This was the first time in many years I have run the first part of the trail.  I ran the hiking trail to the road, and then back down the road to the office.  This was part of the Last Chance run.  Last year I walked.

Friday I ran inside Manley.  This is the first time in this ramp up I haven't been intimidated by the interval workout.  This day I was intimidated by the possibility of having to run outside in the wind and cold if I hadn't been able to get inside the fieldhouse, but I did get inside.

This week I ran 41.2 miles.  This is the first time since September of 2002 that I've run 40 miles or more two weeks in a row.  I may be recovering from this knee injury.

This was a good week.  Javier ran inside with me on Friday, and Saturday was the Last Chance run.  Tom ran with me until I turned up the main road.

December 10 2004

This workout is 1 mile easy, 1 mile of striders, 4x800 @ 85-90% or 157-164 HR with 200m recovery, then 1 mile easy.  This was week 8 of the schedule.  I was able to get into Manley Fieldhouse and had it nearly to myself at lunchtime on Friday.  Today my heart rate wanted to soar, and I wasn't running that fast.  Keeping my HR in the desired range during the 800s required running the first 200 kind of hard and then I felt like I was not working that hard the last 600.  Everything felt fine.

This week I ran 41 miles.  This is the first time since the week ending May 18 2003 that I've run more than 40 miles in a  week.  I was definitely very sore in the lower abdomen region - perhaps the abductors or adductors, the day after the track workout.  I'll have to start doing some additional exercises to strengthen these muscles.

December 3 2004 

This workout is 1 mile easy, 1 mile of striders, 6x400 @ 85-90% or 157-164 HR with 200m recovery, then 1 mile easy.  This was week 7 of the schedule.  I moved the interval workout from Thursday to Friday and took Thursday off.  I was kind of sick Wednesday and couldn't fit the interval workout in on Thursday.  So my week will be Monday - Hard, Tuesday & Wednesday - Easy, Thursday - off, Friday - Hard, Saturday & Sunday - Easy.  This shift from the standard week may work out well.  I'll get to run both weekend days, and have 3 easy days between the hard workout and the intervals.  I was able to get into Manley Fieldhouse and had it nearly to myself at lunchtime on Friday.

The soreness I have had is definitely worse after an interval workout.  I think this is probably soreness of adductor or abductor muscles that get stressed in the interval workouts.  Perhaps the workouts will strengthen these muscles and over time they won't be as sore.  I also may try some exercises to strengthen them in between interval workouts.  They don't seem as sore after a hard road workout, but they are sore after that workout also.  At least it's not an internal organ.

November 25 2004 - Thanksgiving Day

 This workout is 1 mile easy, 1 mile striders,4x800 @85% or 157 with 200m recovery, then 1 mile easy.  We were in Dunkirk for the day so I ran this workout at the DHS Track.  It was 32°F and quite windy with flurries.  I could not seem to get my HR up in the desired range.  I just did the best I could.

November 18 2004 

This workout is 1 mile easy, 1 mile of striders, 6x400 @ 85% or 157 HR with 200m recovery, then 1 mile easy.  I did this workout after work at the SU Track.  It was 55°F and a light mist.  There was enough light spilling over from Coyne Field to wee my watch and I had the track to myself.

November 11 2004 - Veteran's Day

This workout is 1 mile easy, 1 mile striders,4x800 @85% or 157 with 200m recovery, then 1 mile easy. I did this workout in Manley Fieldhouse after work.

November 4 2004

6x400 - JD Track


October 28 2004

3x800 - JD Track


October 21 2004

 4x400 - SU Track

2004-5 HR Training